Meet The Team

Leah Green
Leah is Founder and Executive Director of the Compassionate Listening Project. She holds a Masters in Public Administration from the Evans School at the University of Washington, where she also completed her coursework for a Masters in Middle Eastern Studies. Leah is recognized as a leader in Jewish-Palestinian reconciliation. Since 1990, she’s led 26 training delegations to Israel and Palestine and produced three documentaries about the conflict, including Children of Abraham, and Crossing the Lines: Palestinians and Israelis Speak With the Compassionate Listening Project. Leah has led delegations to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, and co-founded the Jewish-German Compassionate Listening Project in 2002. She is a facilitator of Systems and Family Constellations and integrates Constellations into her trainings. Leah is a past recipient of the Yoga Journal’s “Karma Yoga Award." She mentors new facilitators through the certification program and is available for coaching sessions by phone. Contact Leah for more information.
Chapters about Leah’s work are included in the following books:
• Soul Stories, by Gary Zukav
• Peace In Our Lifetime, by Susan Skog
• Soul of Success: A Woman’s Guide to Authentic Power, by Jennifer Hawthorne;
• Peace, Justice and Jews: Reclaiming Our Tradition, by Stefen Merken and Murray Polner;
• Beyond Bullets and Bombs: Grassroots Peacebuilding
between Israelis and Palestinians, by Dr. Judy Kuriansky;
• Love for no Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love, by Marci Shimoff;
• Compassionate Listening and other Writings by Gene Knudsen Hoffman, by Anthony Manousos

Camille Mullins-Lemieux
Mothership Maven
Since her undergrad Camille has lived in multiple communities, including a zen monastery and a jungle eco 'town'. These experiences spurred her interest in understanding of why conflict happens and how to get through it skillfully. This eventually led her to earn her Masters in Reconciliation from the University of Winchester. Her most important values are being kind, being authentic, and creating beauty everywhere.
Camille has a passion for content creation and loves working with the Compassionate Listening Facilitators to get the message of this work out there. She has been creating art her entire life and is so inspired to have the chance to bridge her two passions; reconciliation and art. Camille deeply believes that everyone has a story to tell and has the right to be heard. We just don't always know how to communicate it.
When Camille isn't working she is creating art videos for her youtube channel, and spending time with her Husband and two cats.