Get the 1-on-1 support you need to bring Compassionate Listening to your life. Our facilitators are available to support you in implementing these tools in your daily life. Whether you're looking for more peace within, or for help resolving challenging situations and relationships, we are here to support you with one or on-going sessions.
We also bring Compassionate Listening to groups and organizations who wish to improve communication and conflict transformation skills. Feel free to contact CLP facilitators directly or contact us for more information.
Get the 1-on-1 support you need to bring Compassionate Listening to your life. Our facilitators are available to support you in implementing these tools in your daily life. Whether you're looking for more peace within, or for help resolving challenging situations and relationships, we are here to support you with one or on-going sessions.
We also bring Compassionate Listening to groups and organizations who wish to improve communication and conflict transformation skills. Feel free to contact our facilitators directly or contact us for more information.
If you wish to be trained as a Compassionate Listening facilitator to teach workshops and create Compassionate Listening programs, please see our Facilitator Certification page.

"If we can change ourselves, we can change the world. We're not the victims of the world we see, we're the victims of the way we see the world. This is the essence of Compassionate Listening: seeing the person next to you as a part of yourself."
- Dennis Kucinich, former U.S. Congressman